European Parliament Voted to Ban Disposable Plastic Products in the EU

//European Parliament Voted to Ban Disposable Plastic Products in the EU

European Parliament Voted to Ban Disposable Plastic Products in the EU

The European Parliament, as part of the fight against pollution of the world’s oceans, voted to ban disposable plastic products – dishes, drinking straws, thin plastic bags and others.
According to the plans, the ban should be introduced from 2021. Disposable plastic items such as cutlery, ear sticks, plates, straws, drink mixers and balloon holders are slated to be banned.
MEPs have also added thin plastic bags, oxygen-degradable plastic products and polystyrene fast food containers to the list. The EU countries and the European Parliament are looking for a compromise on the issue of combating plastic pollution of the environment, primarily the oceans.
There are currently 150 million tons of plastic floating in the oceans. Another 8 million tons are added every year. By 2030, the volume of plastic may reach 300 million tons. Every year, 100,000 marine animals and about a million birds die from the effects of plastic in the waters.
This fall, Austrian scientists first discovered the presence of microplastic particles in the human body. 9 types of plastic were identified in the excrement of the subjects.
By |2021-02-08T14:30:18+00:00październik 26th, 2018|Без рубрики|0 Comments

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