The First Plastic-Free Store Opens in Amsterdam

//The First Plastic-Free Store Opens in Amsterdam

The First Plastic-Free Store Opens in Amsterdam

„The world’s first” plastic-free supermarket opens in Amsterdam. More than 700 products will be available without plastic packaging, including meat, rice, sauces, dairy products, chocolate, cereals, fruits and vegetables. By the end of 2018, they plan to open similar departments in 74 branches throughout the country. The Plastic Planet environmental campaign group that came up with the idea said the introduction of the world’s first non-plasticized approach was a “landmark moment” for the global fight against plastic pollution.

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Theresa May outlined measures to tackle plastic waste.

Iceland has pledged to switch to plastic packaging for all of its branded packaging by 2023.

A Plastic Planet poll last year found that more than nine out of ten UK shoppers support the introduction of the aisle in supermarkets that have plastic-free products.

The use of new compostable biomaterials for testing will be introduced, as well as the use of traditional materials, including glass, metal and cardboard, the scheme’s supporters said.

By |2021-02-08T14:34:38+00:00marzec 12th, 2018|Без рубрики|0 Comments

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