Research: The Importance of Transparent Packaging

//Research: The Importance of Transparent Packaging

Research: The Importance of Transparent Packaging

  • Transparent packaging is what most consumers are interested in, according to new research from Response Media. The research results show that almost everyone considers transparency to be important in food packaging.
  • 70% stated that their purchases always or often depend on the transparency of the packaging. Almost all respondents said they would pay more for more transparent packaging

In recent years, packaging transparency has become very important in the food business. As noted by many in the industry, this is no longer an option but a requirement. Manufacturers who embrace „full transparency” will be rewarded with loyalty from about 94% of consumers. This is important to note as grocery retailers see transparency play a large role in where people choose to shop. A recent report from the Food Marketing Institute shows growing customer loyalty to stores where transparency is a priority.

By |2021-02-08T13:22:00+00:00lipiec 20th, 2017|Без рубрики|0 Comments

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